Everett Toews

Helping you shave narwhals

    AWS Account Cleaner

    03 Sep 2022
    Whether you’re new to AWS and just learning or you’re a seasoned veteran, working with AWS usually involves extensive experimentation. That means constantly creating, reading, updating, and deleting resources as you experiment. However, sometimes you forget to delete something or AWS automatically creates associated resources that you might not even be aware of that don’t get automatically deleted. It can all amount to considerable cruft in your account, which can be quite costly in terms of dollars or cognitive load as you have to sift through resources and question whether or not they are actually necessary. Be a tidy Kiwi and keep your AWS account clean!

    Diagramming is a Solved Problem

    12 Jan 2022
    There are numerous diagramming tools in the market and they all do a very good job of diagramming. However, almost all of them suffer from a fundamental problem that makes the diagrams they produce much less valuable. They make it impossible to share a rendered version of the diagram (e.g. png or jpg) that is conveniently editable. drawio.com has solved that problem brilliantly.

    DevOps Learning Resources

    25 Aug 2021
    A curated list of learning resources I’ve used to evolve my own understanding of the principles and practices of DevOps.

    Semantic Version Comparison in a Jenkins pipeline

    18 Feb 2020
    Versioning is fundamental to reasoning about software development and deployment. It’s not just the software that you release that needs to be versioned. All of the supporting components need to be versioned too, such as database schemas, message formats, protocols, APIs, dependencies, etc. If you don’t version all of these components, you’re at a severe disadvantage when it comes to understanding what’s in a release or debugging a problem.

    Help Others Help You

    28 Jan 2020
    Asking for help is a common and natural thing that everyone does. You need help right away so if you can help others help you, everyone wins. Getting help from others is a skill that can be learned and refined over time. This post is geared towards getting help with problems in software development and operations but most of the advice is applicable to many other areas.